Centro Ricerche Energie e Sistemi Sottili
Subtles Systems and Energies Research Center
Energy currents and networks. The planet is continually bombarded by a great quantity of energy, both dense and subtle, of either a natural or artificial nature. Let us begin by examining the natural subtle energies emitted by the planet or coming from the cosmos. The Earth's energy structure makes it, in many ways, very like a living organism. The ancients knew and respected the planet's energy nature and built their cities, monuments and dwellings accordingly.
Roman towns were founded around beneficent energy lines. The Romans' knowledge in this field appears to originate further back, from the Etruscans, and perhaps from even earlier.
There is a major planet-wide circulation of atmospheric, telluric and solar currents. There are at least four great planetary currents, flowing as follows:
1. An atmospheric current, flowing from north to south;
2. A second atmospheric current, flowing from east to west;
3. A solar current, flowing from the sun to the earth;
4. A planetary current, flowing from the earth's centre to the surface.
The Earth, moreover, generates numerous energy "networks", to which scholars of geobiology (the science that studies the relationship between these energies and living organisms) have given many names. The best known networks are those of Dr. Hartmann and Dr. Curry, but there are probably others too.
Each network consists of "walls" of dense and subtle energies, many miles high, which are usually quite regular. Their regularity is disturbed however when they cross modern reinforced concrete buildings. The distance between one wall and another varies, according to the network and the material they cross.
On the ground, two walls may be two or more yards apart. In a modern building, the networks are as a rule deformed by the reinforcing rods, and the distance between its walls may be greater or lesser than on the ground.
The crossing of two walls is called a "node". The thickness of the walls and hence the width of the nodes, varies in the open countryside between 8 and 20 inches. In a modern building however, the nodes are amplified by the reinforced concrete structure and, from a certain floor upwards, are so big that they cover the entire apartment.
Nodes can be very dangerous. Many experiments and exhaustive statistics show that the nodes, especially if concomitant with other geopathies, may be highly dangerous for health, to the extent that some scholars speak of "cancer nodes".
Sleeping with a node beneath the bed may, after a time, lead to stress, irritability, hypertension and other psychophysical disorders. In the figure, the nodes of two networks coincide and determine a geopathic situation, which is potentially very dangerous. A watertable is an underground watercourse, even if it has a lower flow rate. The figure shows a house built over a watertable. The conditions created by a watertable may vary greatly. Sometimes, the watertable is a concomitant cause of allergy, asthma, chronic tiredness, anaemia, etc. If the water below the house carries the energy of certain minerals encountered upstream, its effects on the organism may also cause anxiety, irritability, hypertension, and so on.
Another case is that of a watertable crossing a cemetery upstream. Another equally dangerous situation is when underground water carried the subtle vibrations of minerals of decomposition (as in the case of dumps). Indeed, the congestions created by decomposition are able to give rise to highly unpleasant symptoms.
Natural Radon and Radioactivity. In the United States, it has been calculated that radon kills 14,000 persons every year. What is radon? It is an odourless radioactive gas produced by uranium, which, when breathed, can cause lung cancer. Also in the U.S., radon is considered to be the second cause of lung cancer after smoking.
A smoker with radon in the home is still more susceptible to cancer. Radon comes from uranium decaying in the ground, in stone and in the air, and can contaminate the air in a building, the soil and vegetation, as also water in wells and springs. Radon particularly invades cellars and lower floors, but, being a gas, it can slowly invade the whole house, even several floors high. It often rises to the surface through fissures and faults, sometimes from an underground cave. The radon risk covers almost all regions and would necessitate a nationwide campaign to safeguard the population.
Fortunately, this invisible enemy can be easily monitored with the proper instruments. Can subtle transmutation tools be of any use? The answer is that they can, so long as you also insulate floors, pipes and whatever else the specialists may advise you to do.
Geological faults are fissures in rock masses, causing movements in geological strata. Faults may be major or very small, but they all give rise to heavy energy radiation. When underground water, nodes or other geopathies cross a fault, they are capable of causing powerful and potentially dangerous radiation.
Ground Energy Lines (Ley Lines). The planet is furrowed by innumerable energy lines, some of which are beneficial and other dangerous to health. The ancients (the Romans, for example) were well aware of these realities are built their towns and dwellings in consideration of such lines. It is therefore important to check that the house is built on a positive line, since if it is located on a negative one, its inhabitants will sooner or later feel the effects.
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